The Rona Files #2

It’s turning savage in the hooch house.

We’re slowly regressing into an abyss that I can’t deal with right now.

As I write this the middle one and the young one are fighting over a mattress on the lounge room floor.

There are declarations to “stop… get off” and “oh my god she just blocked my mouth and nose AT THE SAME TIME”.

Followed by ….”Mmm acting strong there are you tough boy”.

And the old classic….”I was on here first”.

Then came the rebuttal….”But you left to go to the toilet”.

Seriously, is there a bigger argument ever in the whole universe about how much time you can leave your spot and what activity you can leave your spot for before your spot becomes a free for all? It’s an argument that will live on forevermore. I’m not even sure I can nail that one down. Snooze ya lose in this house. Especially when the whole seating situation is currently in a state of disarray. I’ll explain in a sec. We have lounge room issues.

So the argument ended with an arm twist (or something… I wasn’t looking) and a declaration of “I hate you and I wish you never existed”. (Harsh, but understandable). There was even a well placed F-bomb. And that came from the one who doesn’t swear! 4 weeks iso with potty-mouthed mother has clearly changed that.

I didn’t utter a word.

Not one.

I just couldn’t be bothered with it.

Kill each other for all I care. I’ll have a couple less to feed, which would be nice because holy shit balls I’m sick of feeding these people 15 times a day.

So.. the mattress…why do we have a mattress on the floor you may ask? (Or more than likely you didn’t… but I’m gonna tell you anyway).

Well… besides being savages, we ordered a new lounge which feels like about 5 years ago and it isn’t here yet. “It’ll be here soon” apparently. Anyway…We had the house re-floored because we had stupid bloody carpet moths eating our stupid bloody carpet so we moved all the stupid furniture out like a stupid game of musical chairs which included more than chairs, unfortunately. It wasn’t real fun. It was in fact, stupid.

So why go to the effort to put the crappy lounge back in the loungeroom when the new one will be here any year now? Let’s just put the armchairs back in, chuck a bean bag in there plus the mattress off the trundle. It’s not like we’re having visitors any time soon. That way we can listen to the kids argue over where they will sit every day. They can risk breaking limbs and getting blood noses all for the prime position of “mattress in front of TV spot”. Listening to that will be SUPER fun. Yep let’s do that. Good idea.

In completely unrelated news, I went into town today wearing a top with holes in it, faded old tracksuit pants, suitably styled with Havianas. I didn’t have makeup on and the white regrowth sprouting from my mane is something to be equally admired. I saw people I knew and I didn’t even mind. It was quite refreshing. I at least usually wear clothes into town that I haven’t slept in.

Did I mention we were savages now?

Week five iso has started off to be quite the kicker!

Send hair colour and boxing gloves please.