The Rona Files

I suggested to the kids that we should all keep a journal. I banged on how we were living through a time which will be marked in history for ever more. We have no idea how this will play out, and to write down our experiences would be fascinating to look back on. Well, I certainly hope we can look back on this. I’m doing my dandiest to make sure that’s the case.

I pointed out that when this nightmare is over, one day they will be telling their grandkids about their time in history. How fabulous would it be to have all their thoughts, feelings and first hand experiences written down and documented? Also, there is something special about the insight of a child living through tough times.

I think I heard their eyeballs roll when Scarlett piped up with… “well… I might not even have kids, so I’ll have no one to tell”.

Ok… point clearly missed.

I was drawing on visions I had of Anne Frank, tucked up in the attic during one of the most horrid times in history, writing her diary, clearing her head, not realising what an impact her words and story would have on the world. Sure, my kids diary’s wouldn’t have the level of Anne’s insight and word poetry. Also, I’m not comparing this to WW2, (although this feels like a version of WW3) but the concept of leaving words behind, sharing an experience and an insight into real time during a world changing event, made me think of her. The idea of the kids keeping a journal was also a way for me to provoke the expression of thoughts and feelings so we can all process what’s going on for us personally when the world around us seems so unstable.

The words I envisage from my lot would probably be more akin to “so, like, Elliot farted on my blanket today and he’s so gross. He hits me all the time and he doesn’t get told off enough. Mum makes us wash our hands for EVERYTHING but MAFS is so cool. That Stacey is such a bitch.”

Or… “I think my eyebrows are darker. I’m a lot like dad. I have the same hands as him and I have his brain too. Dad is cool. I can stand on my head for ages”.

Or… “grunt, grumble, grumble”

I’ll let you figure out who is who.

So in light of my futile attempts to encourage my crew to write their story while I earn some homeschooling points from the homeschooling over achievers, I thought I’d keep my own journal.
I’m not sure if I’ll share it or not, but I encourage everyone to keep their own Rona Files. It could be photography or videos; drawings, music, poems or writing; a blog, vlog or pod; a collection of recipes or stories or letters. The list is endless, but I can pretty much guarantee that whatever we do, whatever we keep and leave behind, will be treasured by our future generations. They will gain a personal insight into a time when the world was gripped by an invisible enemy and maybe, just maybe…hopefully… with fingers crossed….a time when the world changed and came out the other side a little bit better.