Hey 2020…Adios, Au revoir, Sayonara

Welp…. here we are. 2021.

I’m not going to recap 2020. We were all there……We all watched on in horror as Australia was on fire, we locked ourselves away from Covid and started adopting the MOST ANNOYING PHRASES. If I hear “in these uncertain times” or “the new normal” one more time I may burst. Give me the over-use of #blessed any day.

We also got sucked into the world of Tiger King. We saw George Pell walk free and George Floyd die. Harry and Meghan broke away from the Royal Family and the supermarkets ran out of toilet paper. This was all before May.

Most people I’ve talked to seem to agree that 2020 was a weird time warp. It’s managed to be the longest time I’ve spent saying how fast the year is going. Or maybe it’s the shortest time I spent saying how long the year has been?

For some people it wasn’t such a bad year because they got to spend more time at home with their partner, saw their kids more, realised they could work from the kitchen table, didn’t go out and waste money on unnecessary stuff, slowed down and reflected on their life.

For others it was a living hell because they got to spend more time at home with their partner, saw their kids more, realised they could work from the kitchen table, didn’t go out and waste money on unnecessary stuff, slowed down and reflected on their life.

As it’s been said before, we’re all in the same storm, however some of us are in a luxury cruiser and some of us are in a canoe.

On reflection, 2020 may have been better spent in the canoe… it may have been a safer option. #Rubyprincesshasalottoanswerfor

Nothing much made sense in 2020. Donald Trump in particular, so it’s fairly fitting that it seems we’ve been sucked into a blackhole where time has been warped and aliens are eating the brains out of a fairly large proportion of the human population. This proportion are also known as conspiracy theorists.

I love and hate conspiracy theorists in equal portions. They are bat-shit bonkers but so entertaining. I’ve always found it fascinating how we all tick differently, so every now and then I head down the rabbit hole of the nonsensical wankery to wade around in the sess pool of theories of the uneducated and misled.

I choose to keep getting my news and information from the *shock horror* mainstream ABC rather than from Dave the Zombie Slayer Star Child, hater of the Government who lives on the Gold Coast sprouting an education from the “University of Hard Knock’s”. BUT if Dave’s theories turn out to be correct, I’ll be the first to shake his alien hand and declare myself a bone-fide follower and book my spot at Pete Evans next dinner party.

All in all, 2020 definitely wasn’t the year anyone had in mind was it?

But is any year really the one we have in mind?

So my wishes for 2021 is that we can all enjoy the moment, because if Dave from the Goldy is right we’re about to be microchipped and killed by 5G.

Blessings to you all in these unprecedented times. May 2021 be the first sequel that outshines the shit show.


2 thoughts on “Hey 2020…Adios, Au revoir, Sayonara

  1. Would love to have listened to Bazz wrap up 2020 but Hoochiemomma is a great substitute. Look forward to many more pieces of literary genius this year.

    1. Oh wouldn’t a Bazz wrap up be the best! I believe “Cretins” would have been an overused adjective, as well as that other adjective he liked 😂

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