A homage to friends.

I love this picture. Not the caption so much, but the sentiment. And let’s be honest, if there’s a bubble or two involved, I’m your girl.

I’m lucky to have collected some special people along the way as I’ve meandered through life, but there are two women, in particular, that I think of when I see a trio of women together.
I belong to an unlikely trio. We don’t live in the same area, we don’t belong to the same place. We aren’t members of the same club or share mutual friends. We don’t talk on the phone or catch up for coffee. We don’t work together, or see each other for months on end. We can go for weeks or even months without a single text message. But the connection I have with these women is irreplaceable.
There’s not many people you can send a random message to at any time of the day or night ranting about the perils of your reality. There’s not many people who reply with “rant away… that’s what we’re here for”. With no explanation or apology, we each spew our fears and frustrations to each other and it’s heard with understanding, love, and empathy. It’s only these women that I can really let loose with the whole spectrum of feelings that come with the commonality of having a child living with the same chronic illness.
I don’t even remember when we met. Well, that’s not quite true. I remember sharing the waiting room, exchanging a look and smile of recognisance as we attempted to shield our children’s faces away from the coughing onslaught. I also remember the first aid course for parents doing home IV’s, sharing belly laughs with my hilariously funny CPR partner.
As much as my close friends and family are fabulously supportive and understanding, it’s these two women who really “get it”. I don’t have to explain the backstory of CF, the science or the words I use. I never feel like I should shut up, or that I’m boring them. I don’t feel melodramatic or stupid or a burden. The whole reason we connected was because we could hear each other. We all have a similar attitude towards CF and the way we help our children, families and ourselves navigate a way through this predictably unpredictable disease.
I cannot express how beneficial peer support can be. When you find your people, those who resonate, it’s magical. There are plenty of families who have children with CF. Some I’ve met, most I haven’t. I am just so grateful that I found these two beautiful women. I cannot imagine walking along this path without them. A path filled with empathy, understanding, humour and the odd glass or two of bubbles downed with the perfect amount of friendship.
Cheers fuckers.
Disclaimer… Fuckers is our warped term of endearment. Whoever happens to read this…You’re not a fucker. Well, I hope you’re not, in the traditional sense. Our definition is much much better. 🤗

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