Hey, Term 4… You suck.

Last week, I thought I was having an existential crisis.

Or perhaps it was just not enough sleep?

Maybe I needed more sun?

Early on set-dementia? Chronic fatigue? Perimenopause?

Is Mercury in retrograde?

B12… it was probably a lack of B12, I thought.

But no. I didn’t have any of those things. I simply had what is known as “TERM 4”.

FU you Term 4. You should be the best of terms. To start with, you’re the shortest term. You have Christmas themed everything. You have parties, events, summer days and celebrations. You have frivolity and rewards and gifts and candy canes. You have concerts and dinners and raffles and drinks. You are the epitome of happy.

So why do I hate you so much?

How do you make rational parents, far and wide across the land, become slightly unhinged, and fantasise about your fast and furious death… Why Term 4. WHY?


You need to chill out a bit. Not be so needy with all of your parties and concerts and catch-ups. I don’t like to say it, but Term 4… I think you’re a little bit narcissistic. You’re just too high maintenance. You’re a bit of a wanker….A bit up ya-self. You remind me of my ex-husband.

Can I suggest you take a tip from Term 2. Term 2 is the Bob Marley of terms. Full of enlightenment with calm focus, slathered with purposeful love-filled productivity. There’s no need for costumes, parades, and endless parties for Term 2. No-siree Bob (Marley). Look, Term 2 may be stoned, but whatevs. We love Term 2. You….eh… not so much.

It’s not all your fault though, Term 4. The Western World is all a little bonkers at the end of the year. I can’t speak for everyone, but I now have an intimate understanding as to why some animals sacrifice their young and the realisation that black widow Spiders may be onto something.

So, it’s a hearty goodbye from me Term 4. I shall not be sad to see your arse end as I look forward to basking in a sea of relaxed glory. No more early morning shuffles, lunchboxes, uniform washing, homework, readers, notes, excursions, more notes, events, sport, sport, and sport. A gleeful 6-week hiatus, as we contemplate the arrival of your cheerfully hyperactive and hopeful friend known as Term 1.

Hold tight my fellow Term 4 warriors. We are almost done. I wish you well as we limp across the finish line, ceremoniously wrapped in tinsel and gaudy paper while drunk on exhaustion and dubious gift-buying decisions.

One more week…. let’s do this!



Operation Secret iPod Confiscation – The jig is up.


For the punters playing along at home….

The cat  is out of the bag.

The can of worms has popped.

The beans have been spilled.

The game has been given away.

Mr. Hooch couldn’t help himself. Damn him.

Let’s just say there’ll be some more literary pursuits occurring in the top bedroom.

Operation Secret iPod Confiscation has officially concluded.

The results are hazy.

(If you have no idea what I’m talking about.. head on back to the last post “Liar Liar Pant on Fire”).

I’m sure when she is 25 years old and I give her the iPod back, she will appreciate the life lessons I am trying to instill. Yeah, that’s right, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OLD…. I actually said that. It’s OK though because, by the time I got to that part of my monologue, I’m pretty sure her eyes were rolled so far back into her head it had turned off her ability to hear.

While I was imparting my wisdom upon the pony-tail wearer, there was a little 7 year old loving the absolute shit out of seeing his sister getting ripped a new butt-hole. It wasn’t ripping actually….more like a carefully planned surgical incision. He had a surgical butt-hole procedure only last week, so he was simultaneously tender and gleeful as he watched on with eyes as big as saucers.

As our daughter made her way back to her room, with her new butt-hole, to spend some time “reflecting”, or possibly making a voodoo doll with red curly hair, I wondered if my stealth operation had any more value than pure entertainment for myself. This parenting gig is hard, and I’m lucky because my kids are pretty awesome kids. I have probably made Miss iPod sound like a right little turd, but she’s not. She is the bees knees and despite my rant, I, of course, adore her. She is kind, smart, clever and reliable. She is thoughtful and caring. But she’s also a kid, learning her way through childhood at the same time we are learning our way through parenthood. How’s that for twisted irony? I am the first one to stick my hand up and recognise that I stuff this job up all the time. If I had a boss, I’d be on a permanent Performance Management Plan, mainly for inappropriate language I suspect.

I hope something gets through to them when I launch my monologues of wisdom. I hope some kind of lesson was learned, or re-learned. I hope for so many things for our children.

Mainly, I hope they don’t turn out to be raging morons.

I hope they turn out to be good eggs – honest, kind and thoughtful.

I hope they know their worth.

I hope they live a life of purpose and meaning.

I hope they have back-bones and speak their truth.

I hope they find happiness.

The list is endless.

But mostly, I hope they know they are loved, because, without that, nothing else matters.





Trophy Wife Life


When I had fantasies about stapling my boss’s hair to her desk, I figured I needed to re-evaluate my professional life.

So I quit.

It doesn’t escape me that I was lucky to be in a position where I could just make that decision. The impact wasn’t huge to our lifestyle. My income contribution was icing on the cake. I only worked part-time and I’ve always worked in human services. The most underpaid work in the whole world. A female-dominated, disastrously undervalued and underpaid industry #genderpaygap. Let’s just say you don’t stick around in human services for the pay packet.



With my new-found freedom, I derived the most fabulous plans about the mammoth achievements I would accomplish as I turned my focus to our family, the farm, study and general awesomeness. No daytime telly, three-hour phone calls, or mindless scrolling of the interwebs for me. No siree Bob. I was going to tick off my long list of those goals and not waste a second. I’d be self-motivated and action-packed. I’d have a plan. I’d stick to it. I would be some kind of super version of myself.


Photo by Juhasz Imre on Pexels.com

Oh puh-lease. Who was I kidding?

All I’ve really done is clean out a cupboard, filed paperwork and started a blog. Well, I’ve done a bit more than that, but not to the epic proportions I had conjured up in my head.

I think I was trying to compensate for the fact that it was the first time in my whole life that when people asked me “what I did”, also known as “how do you earn money?” that I didn’t have an easy answer. I found myself spewing out a convoluted story to justify my existence in the world. I’d find myself explaining how I do the book work for the farm now and how that has been a learning curve for me and that I volunteer more and I have good intentions of finishing a course and blah blah blah fucking blah.

So one day, I decided that if I was ever confronted with that question again I’d simply say “I’m a trophy wife”. I thought it was hilarious. Mr. Hooch looked at me like he often does… with utter bewilderment, and we both agreed that yes, I probably came in at the “participation ribbon” level of the trophy wife stakes, (thanks darling 🖕🏻), but none the less that was my go-to slogan. Trophy wife…Hilarious…Completely opposing my feminist views…Perfect! I even bought a new dress for the occasion.



I forgot, however, that not everyone understands my sense of humour. I need to gauge that a little better because not that long ago I was asked if I was “on a day off” or if I had to “get back to work”. I proudly blurted out that “I quit work about 18months ago. I’m a trophy wife now!”

A weird kind of silence sat in the room. Kinda like a fart no one claims.

Oh shit…. ‘should’ve worn my dress’, I thought.

So, I launched the old routine.

It was reciprocated with a “oh… good on you”.

I think it was genuine, but I also felt a slight vibe of “what are you doing? Who the hell doesn’t work these days?”

Or maybe it was me, reading too much into it. Maybe it’s me that doesn’t value my role enough in the world. Why is that? Why do women feel pressure to be everything? “I am woman… hear me roar and then hear me have a mental breakdown as I try and do it all, juggling my life to be the woman we read about”.

According to the world, we should be fit, slim, gluten-free, vegan yogi’s with a Master’s degree, climbing the professional ladder while simultaneously raising well balanced, high achieving children. We must do this whilst displaying the patience and understanding of the Dali Lama, as we gleefully serve up nutritious meals equalling the culinary skills of Nigella. And don’t forget to make time for your partner…have date nights; make time for friends; nurture family connections; donate; volunteer, and for god’s-sake walk the dog.

Nope. Fuck that. Not happening.

It’s a trophy wife’s life for me. At least for a little while longer, or until I want to staple my children’s hair to their desks. So far so good!